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Shared Decision-Making | "Who's Who"
pta shared decision making
In March 1991, the New York State Board of Regents adopted A New Compact for Learning, which described a comprehensive strategy for improving public elementary, middle, and secondary education in the 1990s. It called for collaboration on a broader scale than we have yet managed - by parents, teachers, State and local governments and community groups to bring together their collective energies to raise and educate our children better. To assist in the implementation of this plan, the Board adopted, in 1992, Commissioner's Regulation Section 100.11. This mandated that public school districts put into place local committees (composed of parents, teachers, and administrators) for the purpose of school-based planning and shared decision making. These committees were designed to study, develop, and implement ways by which the educational performance of all students in their schools, regardless of such factors as socio-economic status, race, sex, language background or disability could be raised.The Shared-Decision Making Team at Little Tor first met in the fall of 1993. Since that time, membership has changed on a periodic basis. The Team is designed to have an equal number of parents and teachers each serving a two-year term. The time each serves is staggered so there is always a mix of both experienced and new members. Applications for the 1998-2000 term are being accepted now through March 27. Anyone interested should pick up an application form in the school office. Present Members: Rita Schmidt, Leighann Zeller, Elaine Arezzo (facilitator), Ed Day, Anne Bryant (recorder), Barbaranne Tolomeo Observers: Sophia Kasper and Joanna Carlson Old Business Status of the Field Trip form was discussed. Leighann Zeller will bring completed draft to the next meeting. Status of the playground was discussed. New equipment will be coming. Ed Day discussed the need for a fence. Committee was brought up to date on plans for the Health Fair, May 20th. New Business The possibility of including in our ongoing parent education program a Media Awareness Workshop for both parents and teachers was discussed. While there is much information available, regarding the type and amount of TV and movie exposure and how it impacts on children, it was thought that it might be useful to give parents and teachers an opportunity to discuss these issues. It was the consensus of the group that this might be a useful topic to explore if we could get and outside "expert" and then follow-up with small group discussions. Mrs. Tolomeo and Elaine Arezzo will research presenters. Membership of the committee was reviewed. The position of Anne Bryant, and which interest group she represents, was discussed. the question was asked: "Can a person, paid by the school district, be a parent member of the committee?" No written documentation could be found. In light of the fact that only two meetings remain this year, it was decided that Anne Bryant would remain the parent representative. This was the second meeting that Candy Glickel, TA representative, missed. By virtue of that fact, she will no longer be considered a member. The third parent member of the committee, Allison Opperman, cannot attend on those months the committee meets in the afternoon. However, the alternating schedule was not clearly defined at the time of her application; she was was appointed with these constraints known. However, for the coming year, it was the consensus of the group that this problem should be reviewed. Shared decision-Making will have at least two parent openings next year. Applications are now being accepted. The committee meets approximately once a month, alternating between afternoon (4:00 - 5:30) and evening (7:00 - 8:30 meetings. This arrangement attempts to accommodate both parent and teacher schedules. Observers are welcome at any meeting. |